Thursday 1 May 2014

New Pearl Watch, Necklace and Earring Set

Hi guys, I know It's been over a year or so since I've posted anything. To be honest I don't get or have much time to post. But since I have some now I just want to show you some pics of a set a client ordered. Hope you like it as much as I do.

Saturday 3 August 2013

Barefoot Sandals

Have you ever went to the beach or pool party and wanted a nice pair of slippers, flip flops, sandals or didn't even feel like wearing any shoes? Now you don't have to wear shoes! But you can still make your feet look pretty. Yup!, you can also wear these with shoes as well.

The idea of making Barefoot Sandals or Toe (Foot) Thongs as some people call them have crossed my mind for some time. Last year a lady asked I if make them cause she is having a beach wedding, well I think it was on a catamaran actually, but she didn't want to wear shoes but after all it's her wedding and she wanted to look great for the big day. So I tried making a few after some research online, and she loved the end result.

I noticed that in Barbados barefoot sandals don't seem to be a popular thing, even though the it's an island and most people go to the beach. Majority of the people that show interest in them and that have bought them are persons living outside the Caribbean or that don't have summer 365 days a year. But I do enjoy making them, they can be easy to make or very intricate depending on the design you are going for and the materials you choose to use.

The most popular materials to use for this project are:

  • stretch cord/ elastic cord (clear)
  • beads:- small ones to go around the toes and some accent ones to make bring out the design
  • chain

These are a few pics of some I recently made for Bridgetown Market.

These are some other that I made between last year and this year also. These were mainly made using, seed beads, elastic cord, fringe beads, accent beads, glass beads and crystals.

DIY Necklace Display Stand

Hi guys, I know I haven't posted in a long time. I've been busy but to be honest for the most part I wasn't feeling in a blogging mood.

I was contemplating on buying some necklace display stands for Bridgetown Market which is actually this weekend (August 3rd-5th, 2013), but to due insufficient funds I decided, why not make my own? Ant that is just what I did. I got the template from this site and it also gives you the measurements. It is really simple and easy to make.

Step 1- Print the template or if you are good at drawing draw your own.

Step 2- I cut out the pattern and stuck it on an empt cereal box. the lines on the template is where you are making the folds.

 Step 3- I cut around the pattern so I end up with the pattern on the cereal box. I also try to mark the lines on the card with a pointed object like the tip of a metal nail file, which will make it a little easier to fold when completed.

Step 4- I stuck the card onto pink card stock with the lines facing me. Then I made the folds just before it was completely dried.

Step 5- (optional) You can make a hole near the bottom of the two sides and thread a cord through the holes and tie them together. This will pull the two ends closer in. 

This was my end result. Some persons use paint, fabric, strips of paper to decorate their stand. The options and creativity is endless!

Sunday 10 February 2013

Beaded Watch Bands

Silver round face watch with apple green pearls and clear and nude chip beads
5 Strand pearl watch (square watch face)
Watch set
       Pearl and fringe bead band

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5 strand pearl watch with two clasps

Multi-color bead watch strap/band

Tiger Eye Beads with mustard and white pearls

watch bands made of mother of pearl shell beads